About Izil Beauty

Izil Beauty was founded in 2012 in the UAE to bring the best of Moroccan beauty to the world through a series of natural products and luxury hammam and spa treatments. Since, driven by the passion of its founder Mouna Abbassy, Izil Beauty has grown exponentially on a global scale, and has been featured in some of the most popular media outlets.


A digital native business from the start, Izil Beauty built its initial ecommerce website on Shopify, however they soon realised that it wouldn’t be able to support future growth. As a result, in 2022 they decided to migrate to Salesforce Commerce Cloud as a more robust, scalable and feature-rich platform.

Almost a year after implementing Commerce Cloud, Izil Beauty was not realising the expected benefits for increased sales and customer satisfaction. To help them understand the reasons behind the platform’s poor performance and how it can be improved, they reached out to Cloud Odyssey, the only Salesforce partner with a dedicated Commerce Cloud practice and more than 70 certified Commerce Cloud experts.


As a first step, Cloud Odyssey performed an audit which uncovered over 22 issues and gaps with the existing implementation of Commerce Cloud. Some of the more prominent ones were: 

  • The online shopping experience was filled with too many, unnecessary steps  
  • Lack of recommendations and abandoned cart reminders led to missed sales opportunities  
  • Lack of product categorisation made it hard for customers to find what they want 
  • Overall poor UX/UI did not allow for a seamless customer journey 

Based on these findings, Cloud Odyssey’s Commerce Cloud experts worked closely with the Izil Beauty team to develop a roadmap to resolve these issues and ensure that IZIL’s eCommerce website delivers the desired results. 

Enhanced Home Page with Page Designer Components 

  • Revamped the home page by incorporating Page Designer components, empowering the business team to make modifications without requiring developer assistance.  

Checkout Page Improvements: 

  • Successfully resolved all the existing bugs on the checkout page, making it much more user-friendly, ensuring that customers can place their orders smoothly.  

Introduction of CareemPay Payment Method: 

  • Integrated a new payment method called CareemPay (popular in UAE) which also offers a refund capability, enhancing the customer experience.  

Integration with Northbeam for Order Details

  • Implemented a service that automatically sends order details to Northbeam, the analytics app utilized by the marketing team, allowing them to target customers with tailored advertisements based on the order information received during the placement process.