Cart abandonment – the bane of every e-commerce business owner. Seeing customers add items to their carts only to leave them behind can be frustrating. Fortunately, Salesforce offers a powerful solution: the combined strength of B2C Commerce Cloud and Marketing Cloud. By integrating these two platforms, you can create a targeted and automated approach to recover abandoned carts and convert those lost sales into loyal customers. 

Understanding Cart Abandonment 

Cart abandonment rates can vary depending on the industry, but research suggests an average of around 68%. This translates to a significant portion of potential revenue left on the table. Understanding the reasons behind cart abandonment is crucial: 

  • High Shipping Costs: Unexpected shipping costs at checkout can deter customers from completing their purchases. 
  • Complex Checkout Process: A lengthy or confusing checkout process can create friction and lead to abandonment. 
  • Product Availability Concerns: Customers may abandon their carts if unsure about product availability or stock levels. 
  • Discount Code Hesitation: Some customers might abandon carts to search for available discount codes elsewhere. 

Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud: Streamlining the Shopping Experience 

B2C Commerce Cloud offers features to address some of the common causes of cart abandonment: 

  • Transparent Shipping Costs: Clearly display shipping costs upfront during the browsing and cart addition stages, eliminating surprises at checkout. 
  • Streamlined Checkout Process: B2C Commerce Cloud provides tools to create a user-friendly and efficient checkout experience, minimizing steps and friction. 
  • Real-Time Inventory Management: Integrate B2C Commerce Cloud with your inventory management system to ensure accurate stock levels are displayed, preventing disappointment for customers. 

Salesforce Marketing Cloud: The Power of Personalized Recovery 

This is where the magic of Marketing Cloud comes in. By integrating it with B2C Commerce Cloud, you can leverage customer data and abandoned cart information to trigger personalized recovery emails: 

  • Automated Trigger Emails: Set up automated emails to be sent shortly after cart abandonment, reminding customers about the items left behind and enticing them to complete their purchase. 
  • Personalized Content: Utilize customer data from B2C Commerce Cloud to personalize recovery emails with product recommendations, abandoned cart summaries, or targeted promotions. 
  • A/B Testing: Marketing Cloud allows you to A/B test different email subject lines, content, and offers to see what resonates best with your audience, further enhancing recovery rates. 
  • Offer Incentives: Consider including limited-time discounts or free shipping offers within your recovery emails to incentivize customers to complete their purchases. 

The Combined Advantage of Salesforce B2C Commerce and Salesforce Marketing Cloud

By integrating B2C Commerce Cloud and Marketing Cloud, you can create a seamless shopping experience that minimizes abandonment and maximizes conversion rates. Here’s how: 

  • Reduced Friction: B2C Commerce Cloud streamlines the shopping experience, while Marketing Cloud provides gentle nudges to complete purchases. 
  • Personalized Engagement: Marketing Cloud leverages customer data to create personalized recovery emails that resonate with individual needs. 
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Track abandoned cart rates and campaign performance within Marketing Cloud to identify areas for improvement and optimize your recovery strategy. 


Cart abandonment doesn’t have to be a lost cause. By leveraging the combined power of B2C Commerce Cloud and Marketing Cloud, you can create a targeted and automated approach to recapture abandoned carts, convert lost sales, and ultimately drive revenue growth for your e-commerce business.